Club Ratification

Just a reminder all club registrations expire December 31st. You need to re-register your club each year as soon as possible to qualify to register your club team at meets.

Club Ratification Form

  • Club Registration is from 1 Jan of year to 31 Dec of same year. All Club/Team registrations must be resubmitted each year.
  • Use this to create a new club only. If you are regitering an existing club use the next entry column.
  • Valid January 1 - December 31 Benefits of being an affiliated club of the OPA - Only registered clubs can enter as a team in a contest - Clubs can play a part of promoting powerlifting in their community - Clubs are provided visibility on the OPA website - In order to represent a club, a member must train with the club on a regular basis (at least once per month) - No member may compete under a club name unless that club has taken out an affiliation. An athlete that does not belong to a club must enter a contest as an unattached lifter. - Club affiliation must be renewed annually. Validity runs January 1 - December 31 Fee: $ 40.00 Please send e-Transfer to the OPA CFO at Please note that all fees pertaining to the OPA can be found in the constitution. As an affiliated club, you should be aware of this document as it contains all the rules of our Provincial Association.
  • If different from Contact Address
  • If different from Contact Phone
  • Club Concact E-Mail
  • Provide Club Website or Facebook link
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY