Greetings from the OPA Executive,
We are now into the second year of Covid 19 virus. We sincerely hope you and your families have been well.
The pandemic has really knocked the stuffing out of the OPA and CPU operations. This executive is as anxious to get things up and running as all lifters are. We are aware of certain criticisms on social media that we have not done enough to get things rolling again. By way of this open letter, we will try to explain our position (without the use of cartoons).
To date, in Ontario, there has been no opportunity to safely run a live contest, that would meet our standards. During parts of the past year, we thought there may have been a couple of windows in time to slip in a couple of small contests. As fast as the windows opened the virus worsened in the province and our living conditions were shutdown or severely restricted.
There were suggestions that virtual contests could be sanctioned or endorsed. We as the executive were unanimous in agreement, that this would pose too great of a legal responsibility upon the OPA. We considered scenarios of uncontrolled lifting where proper spotting or use of improper equipment might be in play. Therefore, our position was and is, we would not sanction a virtual contest. We do not want to take on the legal responsibility that could negatively affect our association going forward.
The truth is, the longer the pandemic drags on, we really don’t know what the association will look like coming out of this. Some lifters will likely have moved on with other interests or to other lifting organizations. If we lose a few strong people, there will be other strong people come along that are interested in being part of the CPU/OPA. We will survive and we are fully aware that a rebuilding phase will be necessary. We are committed to see it happen.
We believe most of our membership are waiting patiently with the required understanding of our provincial pandemic situation. Consider for a moment, the difficulties that pro sports have endured, with far more resources at their disposal. As soon as we are positioned to safely return to competitions, we will be there with the high quality experience our association members have been used to.
Given the rollercoaster ride we have experienced for over a year we won’t make a prediction but stay patient and with everyone’s health and safety in mind, we will come back.
Be safe and best regards to all,
OPA Executive