I’m Garrett Bentley and I am this term’s OPA President. A little about me: I’ve been lifting for going on 16 years, 10 of which have been dedicated to the sport of powerlifting. I also own and operate the Barrie Barbell Club. I’ve been fortunate enough to get to compete alongside some of the best in the world internationally both classic and equipped having podiumed at multiple NAPF Championships and Commonwealth Championships. I’ve also competed at both Classic and Open worlds.
I want to see the OPA hosting meets as if it were 2018/19 where we would have an event almost every weekend. Alongside my fellow exec members I want to help rebuild and rebrand the OPA as one of the best provinces to lift in.
My Favourite Lift
My Favourite meet or powerlifting related memory
Commonwealth 2019 NFLD, 375kg squat
Favourite quote
“A man’s health can be judged by which he takes two at a time – pills or stairs.”