The OPA Executive indeed held a recent meeting with the CPU Board regarding the CPU Coaching Certification Program. The purpose of which was to achieve greater consensus and clarity regarding the OPA’s persisting concerns about the recent developments and implementation of this program. In a recent announcement, CPU President, Mark Giffin advised that this meeting accomplished very little and nothing changed as a result, which did not merit anything of substance to report based on the discussions. The OPA Executive finds this opinion to be very unfortunate and disappointing. In contrast, we believe this meeting was very productive and fruitful as we feel that the discussions unearthed a great deal of formal clarity regarding our concerns about the development and advancement of the program. Our Executive left the meeting with a mutual understanding that this clarity would be clearly and carefully communicated to the membership by the CPU in an official, reliable, transparent and consistent manner. However, highlights of this information have only recently been released to the membership through Facebook communications by myself and Mark on this matter. It continues to be the persisting request and hope of this Executive that the information and clarity regarding the development and implementation of the program be consistently and reliably communicated to the membership by the CPU Board and Committee responsible for this program. We understand that the CPU is working extensively to enhance a dedicated website for this program where all such information will be maintained and we look forward to the launch of such a platform. It is our expectation that, consistent with pertinent CPU By-laws, policies and procedures, any and all advancements regarding the future implementation of this program will be conducted transparently, along with all decisions and advancements on program implementation being communicated well in advance of any decision contemplation by the CPU Executive.
Glyn Moore and the unified OPA executive.